
Welcome to the Ancient Language NLP website, a platform for natural language processing (NLP) research and applications for ancient languages. NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with analyzing, understanding, and generating natural languages, such as English, Chinese, or Arabic. Ancient languages are languages that are no longer spoken or have changed significantly over time, such as Latin, Greek, Hebrew, or Sumerian.

Our website aims to provide resources and tools for scholars, students, and enthusiasts who are interested in applying NLP techniques to ancient languages. You can find information about various projects that use NLP for ancient languages, such as machine translation, text analysis, and language learning. You can also access online courses and tutorials that teach you how to use NLP tools for ancient languages. Additionally, you can join our community of researchers and practitioners who share their ideas and experiences on our blog and forum.

We hope you enjoy exploring our website and learning more about the fascinating world of ancient languages and NLP. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. The website is still under construction. Thank you for visiting! 😊

Latest news

ALP 2025 (Ancient Language Processing Workshop)

May 1, 2025
Co-located with NAACL2025

ML4AL 2024 (Machine Learning for Ancient Languages Workshop)

August 15, 2024
Co-located with ACL2024

LT4HALA 2024 (Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages)

May 20-25, 2024
Co-located with LREC-COLING2024

ALP 2023 (Ancient Language Processing Workshop)

September 8, 2023
Co-located with RANLP 2023 at Varna, Bulgaria

ALT 2023 (Ancient Language Translation Workshop)

September 4, 2023
Co-located with MT-SUMMIT2023